Saturday, February 13, 2010

Impatient Valentiner's

$1 Candy Grams, Secret admirer love letters written on notebook paper all torn and wrinkled; balloons, chocolate, hugs... Teachers running around with heart stickers tagged on their backs. School valentine festivities; I will and won't miss them I am assured.

Every Valentine and Christmas that comes around, I carry the personal tradition of picking one deserving friend (amongst many wonderful friends so it's a difficult choice...) to give a creative little gift of gratitude. Alyssa E, looked like she was about to burst in tears of joy and surprise when I gave her my little candy 'plant' and it made my morning. Seriously, for those of you that don't know; gifts that are simple and thoughtful are so much better. They know you love them enough to put time into thinking of them, there aren't any awkward, fake, "thank you's" and you feel good giving it to them especially when they are beaming with joy.

Anyway, enough with my life lesson blah...
I took a picture of the gift because I wanted to share it with everyone! Ha, cute way of abusing the phrase "It's the thought that counts" which happens a lot...

Cute yes? Took a flower pot, set in tissue paper... filled the pot with dark chocolate dove heart chocolates, set in some lollipop "flowers" and put fake leaves in to finish. I'm such a dork...but I'm okay with that.

Buenes Noches,


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